With compare, only Beijing Art Academy is ignored. Some important art masters like Cheng Shizeng, Jin Cheng, Chen Banding, Hu Peiheng are gradually forgotten,...
One from Yang Liuqing’s edition of <Qi Baishi’s Three Hundred Seals> With the invitation of Beijing Fine Art Academy in 2009, I met B...
1950s maybe the most important ten years to Li Keran, not only because he change from Qi Baishi, Huang Binghong to the nature, but also because he face the tr...
The exhibition “ the Same Origin, Different Divides----the exhibition of Huang Binghong, Lin Sanzhi and Li Keran” are opened at 30th April. 2011, ...
During the 100 anniversary of the Revolution of 1911, when we face with Xiao Shufang’s flower paintings, the we can find the dream an...
Wang Xuetao was born in 1903, at Cheng An, Zhili Province, original name is Wang Tingjun. His parents were a owner of a little shop, when Wang Xuetao was youn...