Mo Xiaosong

Mo Xiaosong born in Gansu Longxi in 1964, graduated from fine arts department of Northwest Normal University in 1986. In 1989, he won the gold medal of Gansu Art Exhibition in the Seventh National Art Exhibition. In 1993, he won Excellent Award in the eighth National Art Exhibition, and then he participated in the ninth and the tenth National Art Exhibition. He used to hold personal exhibitions and joint exhibitions in France, Japan, Hong Kong and other cities. His works were collected by China Art Gallery, UNESCO World Heritage Center, etc. He published many individual monographs and paintings. Deputy Director of the Art Committee and Director of the Education Committee of Beijing Academy of Painting, former Vice President of Beijing Academy of Painting. National first-class artist, member of the Chinese Artists Association, executive director of the Chinese Gongbi Painting Society, director of the Beijing Artists Association, director of the Chinese Painting Society, member of the Beijing Senior Professional Title Evaluation Committee, and member of the All China Youth Federation.
