Title: Image Improvement---- Hang Chunxiao’s (杭春晓) Speech on Anti-Traditional Elements in Beijing Traditional Artists’s Paintings
Speaker: Hang Chunxiao
Time: 24th Feb.2012 (Friday) 9:30—11:00
Introduction of Speaker
Hang Chunxiao(杭春晓),1976 born in Dangtu Anhui Province, graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts in 2002 as doctor in Art History. Graduated from Chinese National Academy of Arts, as doctor in Art History, currently Mr.Hang is the vice researcher in Chinese National Academy of Arts. Mr.Hang had published The Open of Painting Resource----Antiques Display place and Paintings in Republic of China, The Destroy an Rebuild of Literati’s Dreams etc theses on Si Chuan Antiques Researches, Fine Art Research etc journals; and published books like Mountain Culture in Chinese Paintings, Females in Art etc.
Introduction of Lecture:
Beijing Fine Art Academy hold Early Spring in Beijing---Selected Bird-and-Flower Paintings Exhibition though Spring Festival, collected bird-and-flower paintings and also the researches on these collation displayed in this exhibition, the exhibition included more than seventy paintings from more than twenty Beijing artists, the exhibition shows the bird-and-flower development in Beijing last century. For audience’ better understanding of these paintings, share academic research results, the education dept. organized the public speech on Image Improvement invited Mr.Hang who researches many years on Beijing Bird-and- Flower, Mr.Hang will compare the traditional and anti-traditional painting to analyze these Bird-and-Flow paintings.
How to get involved:
1 Free involved and reserved by phone in advance, tickets limited. The deadline of reservation with telephone is 17:00, 2011-02-23, the deadline of reservation with QQ is 22:00 2011-02-23.
2. Enter before 20 minutes at the art museum gate (east gate), take ticket by your cell phone number, ID card or other effective identity certification.
3. Please keep quite during the speech.
4. Participates can also visit the solo exhibition of Early Spring in Beijing---Selected Bird-and-Flower Paintings Exhibition.
Reservation Telephone Number:
010-65071285 Ms.Chen Qian ( QQ:79430851)
010-65073204 Ms. Liu Yaqin